
Hence, the term most suitable for these deviated people is "Qadiani" or "Mirzayee". Mirza Ghulam claimed that he was the promised manifestation of both the Promised Messiah (Jesus Christ) and Imam Mahdi, obviously both being different personalities, and both being prophesized wholly differently in the Hadi'th works with respect to their area of emergence, characteristics, features, etc.
I would like to throw light on some of Mirza's claims and then will Insha'Allah prove from both The Qur'an and The Hadi'th that his claims are false and are nothing but claims "proved" by distorting the verses of The Qur'an.
Following are the respectively numbered claims by Mirza Ghulam from his book "Tazkiratush-Shahadatain, pgs. 38,39:
1) In a way, my name (Ahmad) has been mentioned
2) The name of my village "Kadaa" has been mentioned in the traditions
3) The traditions prove that The Messiah will be born in the 13th century
4) The Sahih Bukhari mentions my physical features
5) Visions and dreams of thousands of virtuous people testifying to my aunthenticity
6) My affairs being visited by divine succour
7) The bai'yat (pledge) by about two hundred and thousand people at my hands
8) The crumbling of Christianity as a religion
9) The current polytheism, alcoholism, dishonesty and falsehood which have run rampant on a global scale
10) The failure of all to compete with me in miraculously competitive writing
11) In showing heavenly signs and fulfilment of hundreds of thousands of divine prophecies
Answers to respective questions have been stated herein, by the Grace of Allah.
1) The verse to which Mirza Ghulam is referring to is Verse 6 of Surah As-Saff (The Ranks), which states that: "And remember, Jesus, the Son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah (sent to you), confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad" But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said "This is evident sorcery!"
Mirza's name was not "Ahmad", but was "Ghulam Ahmad". "Ahmad" means "one who praises" and "Ghulam Ahmad" means "the Servant of the One who Praises" i.e. the 'Servant of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'. There is a whole lot of visible difference between the two words. Hence, Mirza's attempt to purposefully familiarise his name with Jesus' prophecy of the real Ahmad, our Beloved Prophet (SAW), is sheer error and an act of blasphemy against The Qur'an. The context of the above mentioned verse is that while the Jews were mocking at Jesus Christ (pbuh), he left them with a sign of the Messenger. He was referring to the coming of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which is in accordance with the Biblical Prophecy, in the words of Jesus himself::
"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you". [Holy Bible, John 16:7]
Please bear in mind that the Arabic word for Comforter is "Mustafa", which was not in any of Mirza's names, rather it was one of the beautiful names oof our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Both these Qur'anic and Biblical verses clearly authenticate the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW), not a Subcontinental Ismaili like Mirza Ghulam.
2) "Kadaa" was not the name of Mirza's village. It was "Qadian". Nevertheless, he claims that the name has been mentioned in the traditions. What traditions? Are we referring to tales of hearsay and error? Or rather, tales of interpolated prophecies? I leave it up to you to decide. Mirza sahib does not even provide the references to any of his claims, let alone this stupid and timid claim.
3) I have, Alhamdulillah, read various Hadi'th. Yes, the Hadi'th do mention the coming of the Messiah, but that Messiah is Jesus Christ! But we also know that Dajjal has also been labeled as "Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal" by our Prophet (SAW). Hence, we come to know that the only two Messiahs mentioned in The Hadi'th are Jesus Christ and The Dajjal. If we are to suppose that Mirza was the manifestation of Jesus, then there are already clear proof in the Sahih Hadi'th that Jesus (pbuh) was a man of lank and beautiful hair and with a reddish complexion (indicating his beautiful whiteness). The Hadi'th is:
Sahih Bukhari, Vol. IV, Book 55, No. 607:
Narrated by: Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle (SAW) said, "On the night of my Ascension to Heaven, I saw (the prophet) Moses who was a thin person with lank hair, looking like one of the men of the tribe of Shanua; and I saw Jesus who was of average height with red face as if he had just come out of a bathroom. And I resemble prophet Abraham more than any of his offspring does. Then I was given two cups, one containing milk and the other wine. Gabriel said, 'Drink whichever you like.' I took the milk and drank it. Gabriel said, 'You have accepted what is natural, (True Religion i.e. Islam) and if you had taken the wine, your followers would have gone astray.' "
Sahih Bukhari, Vol. IV, Book 55, No. 608
Narrated by: Ibn 'Abbas
The Prophet (SAW)said, "One should not say that I am better than Jonah (i.e. Yunus) bin Matta." So, he mentioned his father Matta. The Prophet mentioned the night of his Ascension and said, "The prophet Moses was brown, a tall person as if from the people of the tribe of Shanu'a. Jesus was a curly-haired man of moderate height." He also mentioned Malik, the gate-keeper of the (Hell) Fire, and Ad-Dajjal.
Now, was Mirza a man with a red face i.e. a white male? No. He was, as can be seen in the pictures, a black-colored male. Secondly, he always wore an imama (turban) on his head, probably to hide his hair which were not curly like those of Jesus! Allah Knows Best.
And then there's the other perspective of him being The Dajjal. Which he was not. He was an ordinary dajjal but not THE Dajjal. I don't need to lie. Dajjals will appear but THE Dajjal has yet to come.
4) Mirza claimed that he was both The Messiah and Imam Mahdi. Now which physical features is he referring to specifically in Sahih Bukhari? Those of Jesus or Mahdi? Obviously to those of Jesus, as there is no mention of Imam Mahdi in Sahih Bukhari.
> Skin color inclined between reddish and white complexions, medium height and lank hair [Vol. IV, Book 54, Beginning of Creation, Hadi'th No. 462]
> Curly haired [Vol. IV, Book 55, Book of Prophets, Hadi'th No. 608]
Clearly, as can be seen from Mirza's image, he did not match any of the physical features of Jesus Christ (pbuh).
5) Does Mirza sahib think that such a claim is believable? How did he know that all the people were virtuous? Though some may be virtuous from the outside, it's the inside that counts. And only Allah Has Knowledge of a person's true characteristics. So, was Mirza's claim viable? I don't think so. Furthermore, in the Hadi'th we are told that a good dream is always from Allah and a bad one always from Satan [Vol IX, Book 87, Book on Interpretation of Dreams, Hadi'th No. 113]. Then most probably, Satan was continually showing Mirza sahib in people's dreams!
6) This is a very absurd claim. We come to know from Mirza's own writings that he suffered from severe and dreadul illnesses. Were they also part of a Divine Succour?
"Most of you people have observed me in this condition [Translator (Bashir Ahmed): i.e. the weakness of Mirza’s brain], and then, I have this (excessive) urinary illness for a very long time; as if the two Yellow Sheets have been draped around me - one at the upper part of my body and the other one at the lower part of the body. I get very little time while in a state of cleanliness due to these illnesses." [Malfoozat 3/68-69]
7) Now here, Mirza is referring to the prophecy of Imam Mahdi, of which we are told that though he will not want to be pledged allegiance to, yet people will swear their allegiance to him between the Hajr-e-Aswad and Maqaam-e-Ibrahim, not in the city of Qadian in Pakistan. Sheesh!
Ibn Majah:
Narrated by Abu Huraira from Abu Qatada:
The Prophet (SAW) said: "People will be given allegiance (Beyat) to person (i.e Mahdi) between the Ruken (Hajr-e-Aswad) and Maqaam (Maqaam-e-Ibrahim) and no one else but the same people who are related to that place (citizens of Makkah) will destroy the respect of Kabah(as they will attack Mahdi in Kabah where fighting is forbidden) and when they will declare it Halal then do not ask about the killing of the ARABS(there will be a mass killing of arabs).Then Ethopians(Africans) will come and they will desolate it in such a way that it would never be a habitat and these will be the people who will take out its treasure".
How is this location in accordance with that of Mirza's city of Qadian?
8) Unfortunately, Christianity is still the pre-dominant religion in the world today. Insha'Allah, the time is not far when Islam will supercede it. How the heck was Mirza responsible for crumbling Christianity when even after more than 100 years of his death, it is still dominant? Atleast he could have dominated Islam by Allah's help during his lifetime, like the real Imam Mahdi will do, Insha'Allah. Hence, we also come to know that Allah's Help was nowhere with Mirza.
9) Polytheism has existed from the times of Noah's descendants onwards. Idol-worshipping was common during the days of Noah's prophethood and also during Ibrahim's days and also before and for a time during the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW). Alcoholism was common in the days of Jesus (pbuh), where it is mentioned in the Bible:
Give strong drink (hard liquor) to him who is perishing (one who is dying). And wine to those who are bitter of heart. Let him drink and forget his poverty. And remember his misery no more. [Holy Bible, Proverbs 31:6-7]
Dishonesty was always there. It is in the nature of man to be dishonest whenever he feels it is necessary, though it is a very wrong act. And falsehood... well, let's take the example of Iblis himself. He is still on falsehood from ever since he disobeyed Allah by not prostrating himself before Adam!
10) Competitive writing?? Let's all laugh for a moment. In each of his claims, Mirza Ghulam has not provided any respective citation from either a Qur'anic verse or a narration from the Hadi'th. No direct and clear reference to any written and pre-recorded proof has been made. Secondly, to boast about his writings is not the quality of an "Imam" or "Messiah". Surely, Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ are not men of dignity and pride. Rather, they are the pious and saintly people of Allah. They bow their heads down before Allah, not like Mirza Ghulam.
11) What heavenly signs did Mirza show? Even if we are to believe, let's suppose, that a lunar and solar eclipse did take place incidentally in the same month of Ramadan, that means that Mirza had just seized such a coincidental opportunity to initiate his claims. Because from the Hadi'th, we come to know furthermore that after such a celestial sign, not only will Imam Mahdi appear but also that THE Dajjal will rise from a place between Iraq and Syria, let's not go into further details. The divine prophecies, by the way, don't number in the hundreds, let alone in the thousands.
Mirza Ghulam was an Ismaili Shi'a before he started making his claims. Therefore, this much is sufficient for his already heretical beliefs. In his works, Mirza Ghulam states, in a letter to the then Queen of England, that Jihad (struggling) is not compulsory upon Muslims. How deviant!! I think this is enough to know that Mirza was trying to please the Colonial forces at the time so that he could be funded and honored for his blasphemies and distortions of The Qur'an and Hadi'th.
Lastly, I would like to state that, as everyone knows, Mirza suffered the fate which he deserved, and which Allah places upon such a dastardly being. He was literally found head-first in his flush, filled with "dirt".
A famous couplet comes to mind:
"They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of Allah be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!" [AL-MUNAFIQOON, VERSE 4]
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