But they are also the same people who run the Pakistani edition of HBO
(promiscuity) , and a few days ago I came across an ad in the channel where it was being announced that the movie "THE DA VINCI CODE" was to be aired.
(promiscuity) , and a few days ago I came across an ad in the channel where it was being announced that the movie "THE DA VINCI CODE" was to be aired.
I will not lie, and admit that I have neither read the book nor watched the movie. But one
thing which I can say for sure after reading several of its reviews is that it is a
blasphemous movie which basically outlines the so-called "fact" that Hazrat Isa bin Maryam (AS) had wed a certain woman by the name of "Mary Magdalene".
thing which I can say for sure after reading several of its reviews is that it is a
blasphemous movie which basically outlines the so-called "fact" that Hazrat Isa bin Maryam (AS) had wed a certain woman by the name of "Mary Magdalene".
I felt very angry and shocked at this and decided to gather some of my friends and hold a protest outside the Lahore Press Club. Unfortunately I couldn't...
Let me remind you again that the ARY Group is owned by Haji Abdur Razzaq Yaqoob, who is also the Head of the World Memon Organization [1]
Their motive states that their foremost objecive is the well-being of the Memons in particular, and the Muslims in general. Talk about discrimination by caste!!
I've heard from my maternal uncle that the Memons are a different community much in distinction like the Agha Khan's Ismailis. Wallahu A'alam!
But one thing is for sure... these people are doing a business out of QTV. I am a Muslim (Sunni > Hanafi) and I must say that indeed reciting appraisals of our beloved Prophet (SAW) is a good act and is undoubtedly respectable, just like Hassaan bin Thabit (RA) used to do. But some like Farhan Qadri and other people don't have the appropriate vocal training required for proper recitation. They just come and "scream" (Ma'z-Allah). Not that I am throwing aside his passion, plz don't take me wrong. I am just trying to raise some serious awareness here. I've heard from many sources that Jinab Owais Qadri sahib does not come to attend and recite at Naat functions unless he is offered the right amount of money (something like Rs. 100,000!)
So is this the purpose of praising the one to be praised (SAW)? Plz think it over.
And then, instead of you doing your own personal Istikhara, QTV makes it "easier" for you by calling a landline no. charged at Rs.14+tax and then getting some "aamil" to solve your problems via his jinns. Ya-Allah what is happening!
Did Prophet Samuel (Shimweel), the first person to do Istikhara, use jinns to get a message? NO!!
Please don't take me wrong for the following comments. I know that all of you are those who have, Alhamdulillah, good knowledge of Islam and are conservative Muslims, like every Muslim (male and female) is supposed to be.
The thing is, it is clearly mentioned in several Ahadi'th that a woman is not only supposed to show her face to a non-mehram, but she should not also see a non-mehram's face either. Then why are most of the women with stuffed make-up and glamorous clothes coming on QTV and talking about the Sunnah? Are they following the Sunnah of the Ummul-Momineen?
It is stated in the Sahih Hadi'th that Asma bint-e-Abu Bakar (RA) once came in the presence of the Prophet (SAW). She was wearing light and transparent clothes at the time. The Prophet (SAW) immediately turned his face to the other side and stated that nothing should be seen of a mature and young woman except these two things, and he pointed towards his hand and face mubarak, indicating that only the feet and hands of a woman are allowed to be uncovered.
Plus, the ARY Group (those who run QTV) also run The Musik, a 24-hr Pakistani music channel which also features shows where the inter-mingling of sexes is promoted in various "normal" forms such as game-shows, etc. Then there is ARY's Fashion TV, the first total Pakistani offshoot of the Parisian channel which is probably most responsible nowdays for the promotion of, as they say in Urdu, "kanjarkhana and fahaashi" (explicitness). Half-naked women walking on ramps, all Pakistani! Wow! Is this why the forefathers of us Pakistanis lost so many of their lives and had to shed blood for? I don't think so. If this was our goal, why did we separate ourselves from India in the first place? Plz think about it!
Many people say I have a personal grudge against the ARY Group. Allah Knows Best that no such thing exists. I will Insha'Allah express my views on other deviating channels too, if Allah wills. Thank you for your time in reading my opinion. I hope to receive your opinions on this matter eagerly. Thank You.
[1] World Memon Organization Website (www.worldmemon.org)
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