The Latest From The Deen Al-Haq Council


Monday, December 7, 2009


By Mehreen Omer

They want us to be one of them. They want us to be like them. They want to produce their carbon copies in the hundreds of millions. They want destruction. They want chaos. They want our doom. And how would man be able to swallow, when he will be told that Gog and Magog have achieved these aims. If anyone today has any doubts that globalization is a myth or that globalization is not part of the larger agenda, then he/she must perhaps go back to his philosophy that ignorance is bliss. They mince words saying globalization is unity between the orient and the occident, but one should question; is it really an edifying integration between the orient and the occident or a cultural hegemony of the occident over the orient.

According to Encarta Dictionary, to globalize means to make something adopted globally i.e. to become adopted on a global scale, or cause something, especially social institutions, to become adopted on a global scale. Isn’t that what is happening today, and incontrovertibly in almost every field. What we eat, drink, wear and how we behave, react and move, has been largely, if not completely, influenced by this process of globalization. Essentially, globalization is an authorization of a complete social, economic, psychological, educational, occasional, technological, political and judicial model around the globe with a one-world totalitarian government.

Today, we see different cultures are integrated into a global culture. Corporations have expanded into multinational businesses. To name a few; McDonalds, KFC, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Dominos, Boss, Hardees, Marks and Spencer, Chen One, Lewre, Charles and Keith, Starbucks, Levis, Dolce and Gabbana, Chanel have been found in almost each and every country. Companies like Apple, LG, Philips, Samsung, HP, and Toshiba have expanded their business internationally. Who is oblivious of hotels like Marriot, Pearl Continental and Hilton? Blue jeans and shirts have become the icon and the more branded an accessory, the better it is in the eye of people. Suffice to say, many brands and companies have become so culturally integrated in every society in such a way that they have become a part of them. But this process of globalization is not limited at the corporate level but also extends socially, morally and politically and have become part of our daily lives either unwillingly or unknowingly.

In the political culture, we see a perfect example of globalization in the United Nations Organization. Many people still today think that it was formed just as a reaction to the first two major world wars and to prevent any outbreak of such future potentially destructive wars. But if we understand who was behind the foundation of the United Nations, we shall realize a very sinister reason. But not to provoke any major unpleasant reactions, that reason will not be discussed here. We all perhaps know that the United Nations is not a solo organization but has many groups and sub-groups. Examples include UNESCO[1], UNICEF[2] and WHO[3] etc. Other organizations like the IMF[4] and WTO[5] have also largely played their role in establishing the same economic and trade rules worldwide.

In the social culture, we see ideas and concepts promoted by the media and changing the psychology, mentality, behavior, and personality of the individual. Values of this social culture are being increasingly adopted. These values have their origins in secularism, individualism and liberalism. The media is vital in promoting these values. Movies and programs are encouraging such principles to be adopted in every home and street. Many few invite the notion that Hollywood is not just an entertainment industry, it is a social marketing enterprise used to promote social change and to influence people with some specific ideologies, doctrines and notions.

This spread of globalization is not restricted only to these spheres, but have contaminated the economic realm as well as well. The rapid acceptance of capitalism throughout the world is one such example of globalization. How much destruction, chaos, poverty, unemployment, diseases and corruption, capitalism has brought to the world is no hidden secret. Along with this, the prevalence of interest-based banking system throughout the world is another example of globalization.

In the technological sphere, new technologies have been adopted readily around the world. Even though the Luddites [6]are trying to impose social controls over the use of technology, the Eli-ites [7]are using social controls to increase the acceptance of new technologies. Amazingly, the Eli-ites are winning the race. Even though the harms brought by the society outnumber the benefits brought by it; its acceptance is increasing rather than decreasing. One wonders, whose interest is this acceptance serving?

Indubitably, there has been an occasional amalgamation as well. World Aids Day, Cancer Day, Hunger Day, Earth Day are being renowned throughout the world. Festivals like Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve are celebrated throughout the world. Halloweens have become very common around the globe, and children use it to play trick and treat games, forgetting the history of Hollywood. It has become a phenomenon to celebrate many parties with spilling Champaign all over.

In the judicial circle, laws and legislations are rapidly being standardized throughout the world. Capital punishment is increasingly being abolished in many countries. Many countries are making euthanasia legal.

Even in the educational arena, many textbooks have been standardized to be taught in schools, universities and other institutions. Through such standardization, other works and ideas of other scholars are largely ignored and the new generation that is brought forth moves under the same axis. One should question why are such textbooks in science, history, law, business, economics, arts, humanities have been benchmarked.


[1] United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

[2] United Nations Children’s Fund

[3] World Health Organization

[4] Internal Monetary Fund

[5] World Trade Organization

[6] Those against the use of technology

[7] Those in favor of use of technology

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