
NOTE: The following article has been written by respected Dr. Israr Ahmed, one of the most recognized and revered scholars of Islam and Comparative Religion today. He is also the founder of the Tanzeem-e-Islami. The material herein was originally written in Urdu. It has been carefully translated to English for reading purposes by Zaki Khalid, with the express permission of the Media Branch of the Tanzeem.
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In the East, the land of Palestine has been a burning furnace for the Muslims for a long time. And the Jews have been eradicating the Palestinian people from the time Israel was formed uptil now. In Jewish history, the Holocaust took place once but now even arguments are being made on it (whether it was a reality or fiction) but for the Palestinians, the Holocaust is everyday routine. To have an analysis of Jewish history, it would be suitable that we ponder over the following questions. (1) Who are the Jews? (2) What is their mentality or mindset? (3) What is the history of their rise and fall? (4) What is the reason for their enmity for Islam? (5) What are their plans for the future? (6) Why is the land of Palestine important for the three revealed books? and (7) What is the solution to the problem of Palestine?
The Jews are from the lineage of Prophet Jacob, the son of Prophet Isaac, the son of Prophet Abraham. Prophet Jacob had twelve children whose entitled name was ‘Banu Israel’. Actually, ‘Israel’ was the given name of Prophet Jacob, whose meaning is ‘man of Allah’. In the days of Prophet Joseph, Bani Israel i.e. the Jewish nation went to Egypt and stayed there for about 400 to 500 years. During the arrival of Prophet Moses, the Jews were living a life of total slavery, filled with problems. Almighty Allah freed them from the slavery of the Egyptian Pharaoh through Prophet Moses. At that time, their population was six-hundred thousand and in that very age, Almighty Allah gave the Torah to Prophet Moses on Mount Tur. Mount Tur is in the Sina Desert. The Jews were the Muslim peoples before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to whom Almighty Allah gave The Book of Guidance and also the Balance of Shari’ah (religious laws) and this nation (the Jews) stayed on that post for two-thousand years. In these times, Almighty Allah kept the custom of Prophethood continuing for their guidance and leadership. According to The Torah, more than 50 Prophets were sent to them. They were given three revealed books The Torah, The Zaboor (Psalms) and The Injeel (Gospel). The 3500-year old history of that nation is preserved. After the arrival of Prophet Jesus, the custom of Prophethood ended for them. After the analysis of The Qur’an, we come to know that they were the most beloved and dear nation to Almighty Allah, that is the reason that it has been stated in verse 122 of the second Chapter of The Qur’an (translation): "O Bani Israel! Remember Our Favours which we did upon you and we gave you dominance in the world." This verse is mentioned two times in the same Chapter. Because of the dominance over the world, a thought got embedded in the nation’s minds that ‘We are the chosen people of the Lord’ that is why their mindset was made such that we are the worthy people in the world and that the rest of the people are not humans but "human-like creatures" i.e. ‘Gentiles’. From which they deduced a result that to exploit the "human-like creatures" is our birthright. To rob them, to suck their blood or to kill them is not a crime. It is clearly mentioned in The Talmud, that to deceive the other nations, to rob them, to steal their wealth and to exploit them is the right of Jews, that is why they want such a control over the world that the whole of mankind be brought down to the animal-level and the Jews keep gaining from the interest of their earnings and savings. The commencement of the rise of the Jews occurred after freedom from the Egyptian Pharaoh when Prophet Moses took the clan of six-hundred thousand from Egypt to Palestine. There, you (Prophet Moses) ordered the Jews to engage in war, but the whole nation clearly replied to Prophet Moses, which is stated in The Qur’an in Chapter 4, that "Go (Moses), you and your Lord fight, we are sitting here" In reply to their refusal for struggle, Almighty Allah forbade the land of Palestine to them for forty years and the nation kept wandering in the desert. During the same time, Prophet Moses departed and also Prophet Aaron, but after them, under the leadership of Prophet Moses’ guardian Yusha Bin Nun (Joshua), they invaded Palestine and conquered it. But instead of creating a government there, set-up ten small states consisting of ten tribes and always remained low. The result was that other Eastern nations occupied Palestine and took the Jews out from their homes. They regained consciousness after three-hundred years, that for recapturing Palestine and rising again, they need to struggle and under the leadership of King Saul, struggles took place and they got success. In that war, Prophet David had killed Goliath. The golden age for the Jews started after that success and for a hundred years, three kings King Saul, his son-in-law Prophet David and Prophet Solomon ruled. After Prophet Solomon, his kingdom got divided among his two sons. The northern part was called ‘Israel’ and the southern, ‘Judea’. In 700 B.C., the Assyrians destroyed the northern state. Only the small kingdom Judea remained persistent in which Jerusalem was also present. In reply to their disobedience and disloyalty to Allah, wrath was unleashed upon them in the guise of Iraq’s king Nimrod Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar killed thousands of Jews and destroyed the temple built by Prophet Solomon (The Temple of Solomon). He took six-hundred thousand Jewish men, women and children captive and took them to Iraq. In that age, Palestine remained empty of Jews. The Jews call it their ‘Era of Captivity’. Approximately a hundred years later, Iran’s king Cyrus defeated Iraq and allowed the Jews to go to Palestine again. After the return to Palestine, the Jews repented after the religiously reformative incitement by Prophet Ezra, then in that time they reconstructed the Temple of Solomon and their great kingdom by the name of "Macabi’s Wealth", though after a while, they got involved again in moral and religious downfall. So after that, Dhul-Qarnain (considered to be Alexander) completely devastated them and arrived at Punjab. After a while, The Romans established a government in Palestine. This attack of The Romans was not head-on but they let the resident sovereignties remain and the kings worked according to their wishes. Then when downfall came upon them and Allah placed The Romans above them, the arrival of Prophet Jesus took place in the same age but the Jews rejected him by calling him a magician and sorcerer and according to their beliefs, nailed him to the cross (crucified him). While our (the Muslim’s) belief is that a man of his exact resemblance was crucified and Prophet Jesus was taken up alive into the Heavens before his arrest. In 70 A.D., the Roman general Titus wreaked upon them as a havoc . He killed one-hundred and thirty-three thousand Jews in one day and exiled the rest from Palestine. The Jews term it the ‘Diaspora’. From that time till 1917, the Jews have been dissociated from Palestine. They were first permitted entrance into Jerusalem during the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar. But they were not permitted to reside here, demanded by the Christians of Jerusalem, who handed it over to the Muslims without any war. After that, the Jews remained subject of severe persecution. They were not allowed to live in cities, not even entrance except during specified times. In the previous century, Hitler became Nebuchadnezzar and Titus and unleashed wrath and torture upon the Jews and slaughtered them in millions. This genocide is known as the Holocaust. The third initiation of their rise occurred in 1947 when the Balfour Declaration came, that the Jews could come and inhabit Palestine. And so, the Jews set-up their clans in Palestine through corruption and malpractice and in 1948, Israel got established illegally. In 1948, the Arabs got engaged in war with Israel and tasted defeat. Again, an Arab-Israel war took place in 1967. In that six-day war, Israel deprived Egypt of most of its territories, Syria’s Golan Heights, Shurk, the West bank from Jordan and the whole of Jerusalem. From that time till now, the First Direction of Prostration of Muslims (the Al-Aqsa Mosque) is under the siege of the Jews. This is a brief account of the rise and fall of the Jews.
Another noteworthy point here is that like there are Jews in different denominations of societies, in the same way in them are Orthodox Jews, secular-minded Jews and traditionalist Jews. The Orthodox are the best supporters of Greater Israel but though the secular and traditionalist Jews are not supportive of Greater Israel, they are in no way ready to hand-over Jerusalem to the Muslims and are helpful to the Orthodox in the construction of the Temple of Solomon. The first and foremost enemy of mankind is Satan The Accursed and the reason for his hatred for Adam’s Children is pride and arrogance, the reason being why Allah left the rest of the creations and made humans His caliphs. In the same way, the open enemy of Muhammad’s followers are the Jews and the reason for their hatred and enmity is also pride and arrogance because the Jews were stationed as the Muslim peoples before the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). After the declaration of the Prophethood and Apostlehood of The Prophet, they were deprived of their position. That’s the reason why that day and today, the Jews are the prime enemies of the Muslims. Another reason for the hatred of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the Jews, is that for nearly two-thousand years before The Holy Prophet, all the prophets were from the lineage of Prophet Jacob. When infact The Holy Prophet is from the lineage of Prophet Ishmael. And so from the very first day, the Jews started misleading the non-believing people of Makkah by saying that they are the open enemies of the Muslims from the very beginning. The Hypocrite of hypocrites, Abdullah Ibn Abi also became the tool of the Jews, wrapped himself in Islam and got inclusion in Muhammad’s people and never wasted any attempt to pose a threat to Islam and to personally overpower Prophet Muhammad. When infact the Benefector of The Worlds (The Prophet) setlled agreements with the Jews after the migration to Madina. But the Jews never ceased from their foul activities and their mislead anti-Islam fire during the Caliphate of Usman became wildfire and another Jew, Abdullah Bin Saba showed himself to be a Muslim and divided the nation (of Muslims) in two. One part the Usmani Shi’as and the other Ali’s Shi’ites which later on became Sunni and Shi’a respectively. On that basis, such a difference got created in the Muslim nation that one-hundred thousand Muslims got killed by each others’ swords and even today, this difference is the Weapon of Choice for the infidels. The basis for the bloodshed in Iraq nowadays are the Sunni-Shi’a disputes and that is why Iraq is severely devastated by this violence at the moment. The Jews proclaim Britain and America as the ‘New Israel’ and New York is called ‘Jew York’. Though the Catholics are not fully in the grip, they have accepted inferiority in front of the Jews. The future plan of the Jews is that there should be such a control over the world that it comes at the animal-level and the elders of the Jews assembled this program in 1897 which has been given the title ‘Protocols’. And the New World Order is in reality the ‘Jew World Order’. And so, their economic plan through the banking system is that the whole world be converted to labourers, they work and they snatch the big portion of their earnings in the form of interest. For this, they set-up organizations such as the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). They have set-up many large-scale multinational companies. This is the program of the Jews which they are calling as ‘globalisation’. This globalisation is a project against mankind and there is a brilliant movement in Europe against it, but we don’t have knowledge of its dangers. The second in the current plan of the Jews is the formation of Greater Israel, that we should set-up a big Jewish state in the heart of the Arab world and in it will be all those areas in which the Jews were once inhabitant. In it they include Palestine, Syria, the South-Eastern part of Turkey, the fertile area of Egypt’s river Nile, the Northern area of Saudi-Arabia and Sacred Madina and their strivings for it are persistent. America wants to present Iraq to Israel after conquering it and Ariel Sharon said that "Soon our occupation will be in Iraq". The third plan of the Jews is the martyrdom of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the construction of the Third Temple of Solomon. The Dome of The Rock had been built on the very same place by the self-appointed caliph Abdul-Malik Marwan from where commenced the Mai’raj (Ascension of Heaven) of The Prophet (PBUH). Therefore, the Jews say that we will bring down the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of The Rock and make our temple. In this respect, they have no oppostion from anywhere. If only they have danger, it is from the followers of Muhammad (PBUH), though even the Muslim rulers don’t have the courage to talk in a threatful way to Israel. The Christians are completely tightened in their grip even though the Jews were the worst enemies of Prophet Jesus and the biggest proof of their hatred, is that according to the Christians, they nailed him to the cross. The land of Palestine is holy and sacred for the three revealed religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The analysis of the respect for Jews for Palestine has already been done. For the Christians, this country is important because this same locale is the hometown of Prophet Jesus i.e. this is where you (Jesus) were born and this is where you preached. Then here also, according to Christian beliefs, he was nailed to the cross and that cross is also preserved on which, according to Christian beliefs, Prophet Jesus was crucified. One-thousand years after Prophet Jesus, Crusades took place to dissociate the Holy Land from the Muslims during the peak of the second millenium, in which severe bloodshed took place. The Pope of the time misguided the European nations to return to Palestine. In 1099, when the Christians conquered Jerusalem, it was made a stream of blood but thanks to Allah, 88 years later, the braveheart Salahuddin Ayyubi defeated the Christians and took Jerusalem back. While now, the Protestant Christians of America are saying that ‘The Last Crusade’ is about to take place. But infact, that ‘Last Crusade’ has started. War-grounds have been made in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. There is a wait for suitable time about Iran and Pakistan. The agendas of the Jews and the Christians against Islam and Muslims is common and both want that war to take place as soon as possible which is known as the ‘Armageddon’ in The Bible and the ‘Great Attack’ according to The Hadi’th (sayings of Prophet Muhammad). The world-diverting event (the destruction of the World Trade Center) was also a plot of the Jews. That kind of event is not in the control of someone else, when the whole of America has become the headquarters of the Israeli intelligence-agency ‘Mossad’ and for them, such an event is not difficult to do. That’s the reason the investigation-work of that event was suspended because it’s findings was leading towards the Jews. Now what is the solution for the land of Palestine? A justifiable solution is the one which was once the objective of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and which currently is the objective of Hamas, that Israel’s formation is illegal and so Israel should be finished. And that the whole of Palestine should be given to its true inhabitants, the Arab Muslims. In the past, all the Arabs were with Palestine with this respect, but power makes the real decision. "The punishment of old crimes is sudden death". The world’s only superpower is Israel’s friend and helper. The Europeans are also the wellwishers of the Jews. And so, there is no hope of any faithfulness from anyone to give Palestine its right, that’s the reason the PLO has stepped back from the proposals of its past and now their proposal is ‘Okay, fine. Let Israel remain but a Palestinian state also comes into being.’. All the world’s eyes are on this small geography and the poor Muslim is being hit and almost all the Muslims too are willing to accept their defeat with this mindset and solution on the condition that Israel accepts the territorial limits before the 1967 Arab-Israel war.
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